come down on

come down on
1) infml

Mother came down on me to clean the room — Мать заставила меня убрать в комнате

2) infml

The courts are going to come down heavily on the young criminals — Судьи намерены выносить суровые приговоры молодым преступникам

They came down hard on gambling — Они ужесточили меру наказания за азартные игры

3) infml

He came down on me for payment — Он потребовал от меня уплаты долга

4) infml

The teacher came down on him for talking in class — Учительница сделала ему выговор за то, что он разговаривал на уроках

5) AmE sl

When a chick's habit came down on her, she'd usually end up down in the market place where all the whores hung out — Когда чувиха уже не могла жить без наркотиков, она обычно кончала на том торговом пятачке, где ошивались все проститутки

Новый англо-русский словарь современной разговорной лексики. - М.:«Русский язык-Медиа» . . 2003.

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Смотреть что такое "come down on" в других словарях:

  • come down on — ˌcome ˈdown on [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they come down on he/she/it comes down on present participle coming down on past tense …   Useful english dictionary

  • Come-down — auch: Come|down 〈[kʌmdaʊn] n. 15〉 Zeitraum, über den die Wirkung einer harten Droge nachlässt [zu engl. come down „herunterkommen, sich beruhigen“] * * * Come down [ kʌmdaʊn], das; s, s [engl. come down, eigtl. = Abstieg, zu: to come down =… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • come down — {v.} 1. To reduce itself; amount to no more than. Followed by to . * /The quarrel finally came down to a question of which boy would do the dishes./ Syn.: BOIL DOWN(3). 2. To be handed down or passed along, descend from parent to child; pass from …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • come down — {v.} 1. To reduce itself; amount to no more than. Followed by to . * /The quarrel finally came down to a question of which boy would do the dishes./ Syn.: BOIL DOWN(3). 2. To be handed down or passed along, descend from parent to child; pass from …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • come down — vi came down, coming down: to be announced the decision came down from the Supreme Court Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. come down …   Law dictionary

  • come down on — (someone/something) 1. to criticize someone or something. It seems that if you give an opinion about something, people come down on you. 2. to have an opinion about someone or something. It was hard to know where he would come down on the issue.… …   New idioms dictionary

  • Come-down — auch: Come|down 〈[kʌmdaʊn] n.; Gen.: s, Pl.: s〉 Zeitraum, über den die Wirkung einer harten Droge nachlässt [Etym.: <engl. come down »herunterkommen, sich beruhigen«] …   Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch

  • Come-down — [ kʌmdaun] das; s, s <zu engl. to come down, eigtl. »herunterkommen«> (Jargon) das Nachlassen der Rauschwirkung (bei Drogen) …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • come|down — «KUHM DOWN», noun. Informal. a loss of position, rank, or money which is unexpected: »“It s quite a comedown from being a ten thousand dollar a year man to this, but I ll come back” (James T. Farrell) …   Useful english dictionary

  • come down on — ► come down on 1) criticize or punish harshly. 2) reach a decision in favour of one side or another. Main Entry: ↑come …   English terms dictionary

  • come down to — ► come down to be dependent on (a factor). Main Entry: ↑come …   English terms dictionary

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